Chuck has a motorcycle, and this forgotten classic by Beverly Cleary describes it in loving detail. “This is Chuck checking his gas tank after he mounts his motorcycle… This is the off-on switch Chuck flips to the run position, after he opens the gas valve and turns the key…” Young kids who like motorcycles should absolutely love Lucky Chuck. And J. Winslow Higginbottom contributed some realistic and detailed black and white sketches, which help to deliver all the motorized excitement.
“This is Chuck’s right hand turning the throttle that gives his engine the gas…”
Chuck smiles as he lets out the clutch, and with his freckled face, he looks a little bit like Archie. But of course, there’s another character in the story that waits for him back at home. “This is Chuck’s mother worrying about Chuck and his motorcycle.” She calls out to Chuck to be careful “as he shifts to second gear and rides away.”
There’s a funny frown on Chuck’s face as a mean dog chases after his motorcycle. (“Chuck remembers the Motor Vehicle Code says he should never kick a dog because he might lose control of his motorcycle…”) I have to admire Beverly Cleary for the way she shares all the true-to-life details that you’d experience in a real motorcycle ride. (“Spit! Spat! These are bugs splattering Chuck’s face shield.”)
The book’s inside covers even include a diagram identifying all the parts of a motorcycle, and the emphasis is on safety. (“This is Chuck’s motorcycle-driver’s license. He earned it by studying the Motor Vehicle Code and passing a driver’s test.”) Beverly Cleary was nearly 70 years old when she wrote this book, so I’m surprised how informed she is about motorcycle riding. But towards the end, a story emerges, which also seems true to the motorcycling experience.
Chuck “is having such a good time he forgets the Motor Vehicle Code. What does it know about fun?” Overwhelmed by a sense of freedom, Chuck rides down the white line in the middle of the highway, before shifting into fourth gear and blowing past a truck. And this is the point where everything falls apart for Chuck. “This is a rear view mirror that reflects the Highway Patrol chasing Chuck with blinking lights…”
I thought Beverly Cleary found a great way to write a story for young readers that’s still very exciting. Though she uses a simple sentence structure, that ultimately creates some of the humor in the book — and in a very original way. As Chuck pulls over for the patrol car, he fishtails and then skids in the gravel. And then?
“This is the officer writing Chuck a ticket for speeding and reckless driving…”